Indoor Liquid Screw Chillers
70 to 265 Nominal Tons
30HXA – Condenserless
30HXC – Water-cooled
The 30HX units are high-efficiency, indoor water-cooled or condenserless chillers. The units have a quiet, low-vibration design featuring screw compressors. The 30HX chillers are compact enough to fit through a standard door, making them great replacement units.
- Chlorine-free HFC-134a refrigerant
- Low energy consumption during part load and full load operation
- 208/230 v, 230 v, 460 v, 575 v operational voltages available
- Wye-delta start is standard on 208/230 v and 230 v 50/60 Hz units (factory-installed option for all other units)
- Leaving-fluid temperature directly controlled to within 0.5° F (0.3° C)
- Entering-fluid temperature continuously monitored to detect flow or load changes
- Compatible with Carrier Comfort Network® (CCN) communication link.
- Low voltage control circuits
- Short cycle protection
- Dual chiller control
- Mechanically cleanable condenser and cooler (30HXC)
- Hermetic twin screw compressors
- Electronic refrigerant gages
- Chilled water flow switch
- Temperature reset from return fluid
- Alarm contacts
- Fits through standard doorway
- Modular construction
- ON/OFF control switch
- Discharge and liquid line shutoff valves
- Accessible service information including suction and discharge pressure and temperature using Navigator™ display module
- Moisture indicating sight glass
- Filter drier
- Fits through standard doorway
- Modular construction
- ON/OFF control switch
- Fits through standard doorway
- Modular construction
- Fits through standard doorway
- Single point electrical connection
- Easy connections for remote condensers (30HXA)
- Neoprene vibration isolators (field-installed accessory)
- One year from start-up or 18 months from shipment